Caring for the trees on your property can be an important responsibility for keeping your property attractive and safe. Unfortunately, homeowners may not appreciate the numerous needs that their trees will have or the types of work that they may have to do for them.

Do You Need To Fertilize The Trees On Your Property?

Individuals most often associate fertilizing with flower beds and lawns. However, there can be a need for a person to fertilize the trees on their property as well. This can be particularly true with larger trees or trees that have only recently been planted. These plants are likely to have far more intensive nutrient needs, and the soil may not be able to adequately meet them. If fertilizers are not used, the tree may eventually start to develop symptoms of malnutrition, which can greatly slow its growth and make it more vulnerable to disease.

What Should You Do If A Branch Has Suffered Serious Damage Or Disease?

Eventually, parts of the trees may suffer major damage. Often, this could be the result of strong winds or other storm-related activity, but it can also be the result of fungal issues or other diseases that could spread throughout the plant. If these issues are impacting major branches, it might be necessary to have these portions of the tree trimmed away. This work should be done by a professional tree care provider as they will have the tools and experience to ensure that these cuts are as clean and effective as possible so that the risk of further infection or other issues will be minimized.

Are There Options For A Tree That Has Developed A Lean?

Another issue that your trees could experience may be developing a lean. If you notice a tree on your property has started to lean, this could be a major security and safety problem for the property. Eventually, the lean may become bad enough to cause the tree to fall over., Additionally, the lean may make the tree more vulnerable to tipping over during high winds. Correcting this problem will often require the tree to have supports placed next to it that can help to stabilize it. Over time, the roots of the tree will start to compensate for the lean so that the tree's stability will be restored. Unfortunately, this can take many months or even years, but it may be the only way to save a tree that has suddenly started to experience this issue.

For more information on tree trimming, contact a professional near you.
