Privacy is often a highly desired feature for homebuyers. Fencing and location are the two most common ways to achieve privacy, but they are not the only methods that can lead to complete privacy. If you have a chain-link fence or another fence that is not solid and does not help with privacy, you should consider adding to or changing the landscape instead of replacing the fence with one of solid material.

Evergreen Trees

If you want to enjoy the beauty of trees on your property while also getting the benefit of privacy, you should look at evergreen trees that can add attractiveness all throughout the year. Needled trees and broad leaf trees are often the best choices when it comes to getting quality privacy for the long run. A solid example of a tree to avoid is the Leyland cypress because it is prone to pest and disease. However, a tree like the Eastern white pine has great height and width, as long as you do not get heavy winds.

Large Boulders

Another thing that you can do to add something unique to the landscape and get privacy is incorporate large boulders. It is possible to take large boulders and build a tall retaining wall for added privacy, or you can just use a collection of huge boulders to hide open spots in the yard to keep people from peeking. These boulders work best when you have elevation to work with, as they are usually not that tall.

Privacy Shrubs

Shrubs are a bit different than trees in that they normally do not exceed 13 feet in height. The Emerald arborvitae is one of the few exceptions and it can grow a little higher than the norm at 15 feet. These shrubs will give you thick growth, so much that it may be just as effective as a normal fence at maturity. With a reasonable height, you will find it far easier to maintain throughout the years. And, because it only needs minimal pruning in the first place, it is mostly a maintenance-free privacy solution.

It is easy to get into the idea that you need to put up a fence to get privacy, especially when your family, friends, and neighbors are using this particular method. But, as long as you have a decent-sized yard and are willing to make some adjustments to the landscape, you can get privacy in a wide variety of ways.

For more information, contact a service like R. L. Elliott Enterprises, Inc.
