If you would like to enjoy fresh, healthy apples each year, you may be considering planting an apple tree in your yard. Since there are so many different types of apple trees to choose from today, the following tips will help you to be sure that you purchase the most appropriate unit for your needs.

#1-Set Reasonable Expectations For Fruit Production When Choosing An Apple Tree

It is important to note that apple trees must be fully mature before they can grow apples. If you want to enjoy the literal fruits of your labor sooner rather than later, you will want to plant a dwarf apple tree. They will usually take two to four years to become fully mature, at which time they are usually five to seven feet tall. 

In comparison, semi-dwarf trees reach maturity at three to six years of age and tend to stop growing at about 20 feet. Standard apple trees are rarely appropriate for non-commercial use, because it is not unusual for them to exceed 30 feet at full maturity.        

#2-Follow The Right Watering Schedule

One common mistake for anyone new to maintaining fruit trees of any type is often providing too much or too little water. During the first two growth cycles, you should plan to water your apple tree about twice a week. During the hottest months, you may need to increase that number to three times a week. Unfortunately, over-watering your apple tree will result in many of the same symptoms that inadequately hydrating it will and includes symptoms like wilting, yellow leaves and premature growth of inedible apples.

Mature apple trees will eventually need just two to three gallons of water about every 14 days. If you are not sure whether your apple tree needs to be watered, you can check the condition of the soil by feeling it about six inches below ground level and four to six inches away from the tree. If it is damp, don't water the tree. Similarly, don't hydrate the apple tree if you notice standing water in the immediate area around the tree for at least a day.  

#3-Choose A Good Fertilizer

When you have chosen the right type of apple tree and provided the appropriate amount of water, you should still plan to encourage the growth of your new tree with a good fertilizer. Although there are many appropriate choices, you should assess the needs of your apple tree before making a final decision.

For instance, your apple tree uses a lot of potassium to grow fruit each year, so healthy trees will often benefit from a fertilizer that contains 1/5 of a pound of potassium in every 100 square feet. As the tree matures, if you notice brown, curling leaves and pale apples, your tree may need extra potassium to recover from a deficiency. In that instance, be sure to up the potassium to 3/10 of a pound per 100 square feet of fertilizer. If inadequate improvement is seen, you can increase that amount to 2/5 of a pound.

Calcium is also an important concern. You can test the soil the apple tree to make sure that the pH balance is between 6.5 and 6.7. Calcium can be applied to the soil, through the use of lime to correct inadequacies. Testing can be done at any time, but should be done promptly if you notice that the apples being produced go bad quickly or that soft spots are frequently forming in the fruit. Both are symptoms of low calcium levels.

In conclusion, many generations of your family may be able to obtain sustenance from the tree you plant today, if you adhere to the above advice. To find out more, speak with someone like BCB Tree & Shrub Services.
